Coaxial Sleeve Heat Exchanger e loketse lihatsetsi tse fapa-fapaneng tse kang R22, R134A, R32, R290, R407c, R410a joalo-joalo. The tube e ka hare e nka tube e khethehileng e sebetsang hantle haholo le sebopeho se kopantsoeng sa li-tubes tse kopantsoeng ho ntlafatsa bokhoni ba ho fetisa mocheso.Pipe e nang le matla a holimo e kopantsoe 'meleng oa cylinder e ka hare ka mofuta oa spiral line, karolo e ka ntle ea phala ea boleng bo phahameng e kenngoe ka matsoho a thata le 'mele oa ka ntle oa silinda,' me maro a batang le a chesang a phalla haufi le mohala oa spiral le ho fapanyetsana mocheso ka hare. likheo pakeng tsa lehlakore le ka hare la phala e ka hare le matsoho a ka hare le a ka ntle ka ho latellana.
Sebopeho se nang le likhoele tse ngata tsa tube e ka hare ea coaxial Sleeve heat exchanger e loketse haholo bakeng sa mekhoa ea pompo ea mocheso ka lebaka la ts'ebetso e ntle ea phapanyetsano ea mocheso, tahlehelo e tlaase ea khatello, le litšobotsi tse ntle tsa ho khutla ha oli ha li sebelisoa e le mouoane.Bakeng sa likarolo tsa pompo ea mocheso oa metsi / mohloli oa fatše, licheso tsa metsi a pompo ea mocheso le li-exchange tsa mocheso oa leoatleng, joalo-joalo.
1. The spiral tube e ka eketsa sebaka sa phapanyetsano ea mocheso ka ho fetola bolelele, 'me metsi le sehatsetsing se phalla ho pota-potile tube eohle ea ka hare ea spiral, e ntlafatsang ts'ebetso ea phapanyetsano ea mocheso.
2. Phallo e tsitsipano ea metsi le sehatsetsing ka har'a tube ea spiral e thibela ho behoa ha litšila holim'a metsi, ho etsa hore mochine oa mocheso o sebetse hantle, o kopane le o nang le litšobotsi tse ntle tsa ho thibela litšila.
3. Ho phalla ka morao ha metsi le sehatsetsing ho etsa hore mocheso oa phapanyetsano ea mocheso o be betere.
4. Leqhubu le ka hare la sehlahisoa le ka etsoa ka tube e khubelu ea koporo, tube ea koporo-nickel alloy, tube ea tšepe e sa hloekang le tube ea titanium, e ka sebelisoang haholo ho fapanyetsana mocheso oa mecha ea litaba e fapaneng.
Lisebelisoa tsa li-tubes tsa kahare le kantle tsa coaxial casing heat exchanger:
1. Boitsebiso ba tube ea ka ntle ea coaxial casing mocheso oa mocheso: koporo e khubelu (T2), tšepe e sa hloekang 304, pipe ea tšepe (SPCC).
2. Lintho tse ka hare tsa tube ea coaxial casing mocheso oa mocheso: koporo e khubelu (TP2M) nickel cupronickel, tšepe e sa hloekang 304/316 titanium tube.